Sunday, April 14, 2013

A beautiful past cannot be revisited – jotted on the vishu eve.

“A beautiful past cannot be revisited.  We can only live it in bits and pieces of nostalgia collected along the breath taking journey called life. “
I was reading the ROBB Report-travel edition, and i found these interesting words.  These sentence has got lot of prominence in this festival season of VISHU. 

Vishu – is always a nostalgic feeling for us.It reminds us the good old childhood days, which is not going to return to us in any way.
We wait for these long summer holiday after a routine school days..
We wait for those days, when all our cousins join together
They may come from far way or near by places...
the wait will never be in vein, when we enjoy playing together..
in fields, backyards , in the shelter, in toy house....
that good old times is not going to return..

We conquer all the big trees in our back yard..
to get the best fruit or to show our skills..
the taste of fresh sweet mango –which we pluck it from top of the trees..that sweetness in life is never going to return...
Then comes the real day...Vishu day is some of the really special day...
when great grandma wakes us up in the very early morning..
one by  one as per the order of age...we sit before the Vishu kani...
with a wonder in our eyes seeing all the rich glittering golden colors..
suddenly a wet hand wipe our eyes to really awake from the sleep...the smell of “Vibhuthi”.. which our grandma place is it in our forehead....the one rupee--- kaineettm, we collect from all the elders.....that good old times is not going to return..
now comes the time to depart...
the sad time, when we realise that all the fun we had..

is going to end with those parting... 
the silent sadness spread across all the cousins...which shows how deeply we were knitted...
only with a relief that,,, Vishu days will come in the next year too.....
that good old times is not going to return..

we know,....
that good old times is not going to return..
but atleast, we will try to re-create the same happiness in our children............................

(image courtesy :



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