Saturday, March 8, 2008

Do you own a small business ? how to grow effectively ?

Its always been a worry and concern for all the small business Entrepreneurs. All aim for high, and only few achieve the same. Depending on the industry you are in, you can figure out your challenges ahead to full fill your dream. But there are few basic points which may take you to new heights.

1. Positive Energy : all have heard about positive attitude, positive mind set... but along with all these, you should have a positive energy to achieve your goal in your life. This Positive energy can transform in to the main force for achieving your goal if used effectively.

2. Willingness to work hard with out looking only for rewards : Rewards will surely come to you. You should not be adamant that the reward should be there for each every activity you perform. Work hard to you fullest - i will say , tune yourself to work on 200% of your ability.

3. Keep aside your false ego : Human beings are born with an optimum ego, which helps them to achieve thier destination. But the society plays a big role in making the useful EGO to a False Ego. You should be careful enough to ascertain your EGO level, and try not to exceed the limits which will become negative force in your life.

4. Think Globally : If you want to achieve your goal, you must think big. Thinking Globally is the ultimate, where a man can extend their business. (If you can do business with Aliens, do think beyond the Globe also. :-). )
Thinking globally make you prepared to face the biggest challenge.

5. Reach out to people : Business is ultimately comprises of few people. if your connection is more with other fellows , your chance of becoming successful is more. Try to keep a circle of people who is a well wisher of yourself, and request their help.